#MeToo And Tobacco Control: The State of Fear
Congratulations, ladies’ kisses, flowers, hints at my duty to give a champagne party: that was the reaction to my newly-won title of Russia’s Sexist of the Year 2018. The awards are being distributed by a tiny, but vocal feminist grouping known to nobody. But then, they are all tiny and unknown here, however hard they try.
We are a happy nation; nobody here cares even to know what’s sexism, but in any case the extreme forms of feminism have repelled virtually all the public, so anyone proclaimed the enemy of neo-feminists is getting his 15 minutes of fame and respect. While the local versions of women’s movement are known, respected, and very anti-feminist.
How did I earn my fame and glory: I wrote several columns in various publications, gave a couple of lectures, etc., saying – among other things – that #MeToo and Tobacco Control are very, very similar. Both are a threat to societies. Both use almost identical methods. But while the Russian public in general has rather quickly reacted with derision and disgust to extreme and foreign feminism, it has been fatally slow to wake up to the dangers of smoking bans and anti-smoking brainwashing. While the public in the West, notably the Anglo-Saxon world, has been squashed by both calamities. So, I went on, how do we, Russians, use our success in the case with the feminists in our fight against other Western plagues?
That was my general logic, so let’s have a look at the mentioned similarities of methods of the two campaigns.
Both are using fake facts and reality-twisting, though their basic, initial idea might have been valid, or at least accepted by all. Rape and beating up women (or men) cannot be good, and smoking may harm smokers themselves, right? But then the zealots use these obvious ideas as donkeys, loading them up to the point of invisibility under their burden. And that burden is already consisting of fakes, or weird leaps of logic, like in “if smoking harms smokers, surely it may be bad for others, too”.
Both are using fear as their main instrument. The State of Fear – that was the title of a wonderful book by Michael Crichton. Only thing is, he described the standard tactics of extremist ecologists, habitually scaring the world by their fake predictions of the end of the planet. Yes, it’s the same simple and ugly method. So if you want to switch the people’s brains off, let them live in a state (or in a nation) of fear, and they’ll do what you want of them.
What “they” want, in both extreme feminist and anti-smoking cases, is to use fear to breed hatred. You are supposed to hate and destroy men, if you are a woman, and you are supposed to hate and destroy smokers, if you are not smoking. So, they are splitting societies into two halves in both cases, and make these halves hate and persecute each other.
You are ruining societies in the process? But that’s exactly what you are supposed to do. Both extreme feminists and anti-smokers are openly aiming at destroying societies and turning them into something different, cowed and malleable. For people’s own good, naturally.
That people’s own good is such a noble case, that you do not debate it. There can be no debate in all cases mentioned here. The ones who do not agree with extreme feminists and anti-smokers (or ecologists), are despicable monsters and have to be shamed and destroyed.
And, finally, both movements are trying to rule the whole world. They open their NGOs almost everywhere, and they try to use the United Nations or something similar, to present their weird ideas as a new international norm. So they create unaccountable supranational bodies, like the Framework Convention of the WHO.
You see, it’s just a technology. It’s essentially simple.
All right, so both movements fight real, live people, making their life unbearable and using exemplary assassination of characters, which is absolutely similar to what the Islamic terrorists are doing. If fact, I often say that jihadism is a very clumsy and bizarre answer to Western totalitarian and global brainwashing, as in feminism of anti-smoking, and many other things.
So how do you fight terrorism? By destroying real, live terrorists? But that won’t destroy their ideology. I think that ideas are essentially words, and can be destroyed by words only. You start from finding simple, clear words that express what other people have been feeling anyway, but could not formulate.
Like, #MeToo and Tobacco Control ideologies (together with many other types of the same plague) are criminal, as in crimes against humanity, because they are consciously destroying people and the whole communities for the sake of somebody’s dreams of ideal future. These ideologies have to be treated exactly like the Nazi way of thought, maybe after an international tribunal of any kind.
Now, as I see it, the monsters are afraid just of that – of someone saying these words loud and clear, as I just did. So, in my case, they award me with that wonderful title, which brings only acclaim and flowers in Russia. But in places like the US or Europe, in their state of fear, it’s a bit worse.
There is always a word at the beginning, but who and what may pick up that word and make it loud? The traditional political parties? Or, maybe, the fledgling alternative ones, who’s reputation is currently growing?
In any case, the people trying to ruin our life so as to create their terrible “new world”, made a big mistake when they chose smokers among other targets. Looks like smoking is something basic, a kind of a stone wall corner at your back. And when a smoker sees that there is only one way out of that corner, many other ugly campaigns are at risk, not just the anti-smoking one.