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Rauchen an US-Unis — 2 Comments

  1. Highly interesting.

    I love articles and stories that allow me to indulge into the times of normality, when people were still free enough to decide by themselves how they want to live their lifes in their specific own way. It simply is called freedom, whitout questening it.

    Monitoring and nudging and forcing by threats of fines and more, destroying the reputation of science by spending and censoring media ported science without the ability and education to control the original papers messages by the real scientific source, especiaslly the always false part of it called medical science, by getting officially granted baksheesh for the correct outcome. Reading this study should shut up all anti-smokers. https://www.sackstark.info/46-prozent-aller-forscher-manipulieren-ihre-ergebnisse/

    Meanwhile thousands of ways and State abusive punishments to adult people might, as it is happening now-a-days, sooner or later backlash. It all depends on the scolarly input people get today.

    I just don’t get it. Commercials obviously are far more effective than “serious* studies. The 2nd WHO/IARC study states very clear that children having grown up in smoking household are, in comparison to those having spent their childhood in non-smokers homes, are 22 per cent healthier in average.

    Nonetheless, women start screaming to an approaching person having a cigarette hanging in the left part of his mouth, when it is not even lit: “get aways from my child, you incondiderate jerk” shortly before fainting.

    Well, I’d have millions of thoughts and arguments against all this, and not a single one is in favour of the paranoic pseudo-constructed ban, only to support the pharmacy for further accumulations of money to collect by reasons of state laws.

    One last, I shall provide: Nicotine is definitely not the culprit for addiction, as the FDA cannot stop to proclaiming it, evben though it is entirely false.

    The FDA allows exactly 599 addenums to be mixed in or aqdded to tobacco, mostly camouflagged as aromatic help ingredients. One of them is the allowed group of 16 Pyrazines being responsable for the addiction. NOT NICOTINE. On the contrary: Nicotine is a very healthy and healing substance, one the Pfizers % Co are eager to monopolize.

    That was the one and only reason for the attack on the tobacco indusdtry.

    Check for Dr. Bryan Ardis – Nicotine

    Carolus Magnus

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