Participate: The future of EU tobacco taxation
Legislative procedures often involve the consultation of various lobbying groups and people concerned, either in writing or verbally, by the Government and/or the Parliament. There are also such “consultations” at EU level, also regarding tobacco control policies. At present, corporations, interest groups and individuals may have their say about the proposed changes in tobacco taxation. Versions are available in all various languages. This opportunity remains until the 3rd of September 2018.
After all, the German tobacco taxes are not determined exclusively in Berlin, but are subject to an EU framework concerning their extent and configuration. Netzwerk Rauchen wants to see tobacco taxes abolished in their entirety and tobacco products treated as any other commodity. Of course, this is a message that the European Commission does not want to hear, because they and the various anti-smoking lobbyists, funded by government or Big Pharma, are only interested in additional ways to harass people who enjoy tobacco. Vaping is also an object of this consultation.
Nonetheless, Netzwerk Rauchen has adamantly brought home its opinion to Brussel’s bureaucrats, as it has done so often during the last decade. No more high tobacco taxes, no more harassments – and a European Union that keeps its nose out of this subject!
All statements made have to be accessible for viewing on the Commission’s website at a later date. You should not expect much from it but resignation achieves nothing. The least you can do is to also participate in the consultation online, as said until 3 September 2018.
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